Christa Einspieler

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88 responses to “Christa Einspieler”

  1. Michela Fagiolini avatar
    Michela Fagiolini

    Her pure love for science has inspired generations of neuroscientists. We will miss you tremendously.
    Love always

  2. shenpeng avatar


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  4. Theresa Moulton avatar
    Theresa Moulton

    It was a true honor to have met and learned from Christa. Her work, her passion, and her teachings have had a profound impact on so many. I’m grateful for the chance to have been her student and will certainly miss her wise input on future questions about infant movement, brain development and how behavior can provide a window to the nervous system in such a meaningful way. Her presence will be missed and her legacy will persist.

  5. Lynn Boswell avatar
    Lynn Boswell

    Christa was such a wonderful mentor and teacher. But most of all she was such a special friend. She was kind and generous and cared deeply for others. She was truly passionate about her work and was so amazing at passing her knowledge to all of us. She taught me to “be present”, “to take notice of everything” and to be careful to “watch” for the memorable moments. She was honest, open and genuine. Any time we had with her was truly a gift. We will miss her SO very much.

  6. Gail Hanna avatar
    Gail Hanna

    Christa was such an inspiration.
    Her knowledge was phenomenal and she was a fun loving mischievous kind soul.
    The world will miss her.

  7. Claire avatar

    I am so sorry to hear this. As a young physio and aspiring researcher Christa is absolutely inspirational. She’s made such a difference to the early identification of CP.

  8. Angela Huertas avatar
    Angela Huertas

    Professor Einspieler has been and always will be a great source for inspiration for many of us, lucky enough to have been at the receiving end.

    Through her teaching and research Christa managed to step into our hearts and minds to live in there forever.

    For all the babies and families she encountered, colleagues around the world, and family and friends, the world is so much better because Christa was in it. We are so grateful!

  9. Pessia Grywac avatar
    Pessia Grywac

    My dearest friend Christa. May you rest in peace. Thank you for all your researches and work that you have continued and which will continue!! The babies around the world thank you for the special work you have been doing for them!!! We will miss you a lot . Love you and big hug Pessia Grywac from Brazil.

  10. Elizabeth Hutchon avatar
    Elizabeth Hutchon

    Dearest Christa,
    I have taken too long to write this note but it is so hard to believe you have really left us – that we will no longer see you or talk to you or have your wonderful wisdom and guidance is unthinkable I am, like so many others, totally bereft at this huge loss. We were last together in June 2023 during our GM course in London and I remember thinking then I had never seen you happier and more content nor more brilliant. You gave me wonderful advice about early intervention which you felt passionate about – to make babies lives better everywhere, but also you talked of the joy of grandchildren and what I had to look forward to now I was also a grandmother. It seems like a cruel world that you have been taken from us at this point in your life but yet your videos and messages during your illness were so wonderful and so full of hope for the future.
    Your loss is beyond words and we can only try to make you proud by continuing this work of early intervention. Thank you for all your personal support for me and for Ei SMART – thank you for being on our expert panel – I will do my best not to let you down but the road seems harder, darker and less joyful without you.
    Rest in peace after a life well lived. You will be forever in our hearts and minds.

    Betty Hutchon

  11. Joanne Egan McGuckin avatar
    Joanne Egan McGuckin

    Condolances to the GM trust community on the loss Dr Einspieler. She was a great mind and a wonderful teacher, innovator and thought leader. May her spirit energy and advocacy live on through the work of the GM community.

  12. Ezhilmangai Ravichandran Poorani avatar

    I am deeply saddened by the news of Christa’s passing. Having known her for the past six years through the GMA course, I can confidently say she was a remarkable teacher and an extraordinary human being. Her contributions to GMA were immense and far-reaching.

    Christa dedicated her life to sharing her knowledge and helping babies around the world. She not only imparted wisdom but also inspired professionals to create a better future for children through her teachings on general movements.

    My heartfelt condolences go out to her family during this difficult time. May her soul rest in peace.

  13. Giovanni Cioni avatar
    Giovanni Cioni

    I met for the first time Christa Einspieler in Groningen in spring 1985, when I was visiting researcher for a year in the Department of Development Neurology, founded and directed by Prof. Heinz Prechtl. She came to meet him, with a colleague of the Dept. of Physiology of Graz, to share and discuss her data on the Sudden Infant Death, in relation to new discoveries of Prechtl’s school on early brain development. Heinz asked me to spend some time with them, illustrating the study on post-natal motor development in infants with brain lesion I was involved in Groningen. I spent a couple of nice days with Christa and I still remember her curiosity, the brightness of the her questions and comments, the pleasure of a dinner with her and her colleague in a pseudo-italian restaurant. It did not know that a close collaboration and a friendship were beginning at that moment, destined to last for almost 40 years.
    The several joint publications document how successful this collaboration has been, in a great part thanks to Christa’s contribution, but of a same or larger size was the pleasure of many social (I would dare say family) meetings we had, when Heinz still was with us and later. Fabrizio and others have mentioned some of them in this web page, like those at the ”Casa dello Scorpione “ in Vinci, while writing the red manual on GMs .
    Yesterday morning, I was in Graz, at the chapel of the cemetery of the Basilika Maria Trost, a church that Christa loved very much, to represent with Fabrizio all old friends and tutors of the GM group. We were there together with Hannes, Moreno, Peter and all her family members and friends who could come.
    There was a beautiful picture of her, smiling, and an album of pictures showing Christa in many periods of her life, in different towns, villages and continents, and with many persons, Hannes, other family members, Peter, friends, old and young GM tutors and students, the Dalai-Lama… An incredible gallery.
    A small holy picture was given to the attendees with these words in German, devoted to Christa:
    A life full of adventure, love, laughter, joy and generosity is a life, well lived. A being of light, an angel on earth. Now you are in your kingdom, where you shine even more brightly.
    I stayed there for a while, waiting for the beginning of the Ceremony in the Basilika, exchanging words and memory about Christa with the other persons there, and mainly thinking of what I wanted to say to her, on the occasion of that last good-bye. These few words come to my mind, words I addressed to her, and that I will repeat in the future to other persons, as students attending the next GM course, who will not have the chance to meet her.
    Dear Christa,
    You have been a magnificent researcher in developmental neuroscience (and Heinz was proud of you)….
    You have been an excellent teacher, as thousands of students in many continents can confirm…
    You have been always very generous towards friends, colleagues and students…
    You have been a fighter (a Lioness we used to say) in the difficulties of your life, in the scientific discussions, in all occasions…
    You have been an traveller (how can one forget your trip on the TranSiberian railways …)
    You have been a lovely mother and grandmother (and all your dears are here to testify it…)
    You have been for me more than a friend, a younger sister in the GM old family…
    You have been all those things and many more…
    I miss you and we all will miss you for the many years ahead…
    Have a good trip Christa, the traveller. Hope you are having new interesting things to observe and enjoy to explore where you are now


  14. Bridget avatar

    Such sad news. Christa your passion for the GMA was inspirational and your teaching lives on in each of us. It was a privilege to have been taught by you.
    Condolences to your family.

  15. Mani chandrasekaran avatar
    Mani chandrasekaran

    This is a very sad news to me . I have know her for the last 2 years from GMA course . She was a wonderful teacher and excellent human being . Her contribution to GMA is massive .

  16. Vincent da Silva avatar

    Christa Einspieler:
    (für dich)

    Dein Weggang und endgültiger Abschied waren leise und für uns Mitstreiter beim Verein SUPPORT das du als Mitbegründerin und langjährige Schriftenführerin nachhaltig geprägt hast, ganz unerwartet.

    Vergessen haben wir aber nicht deine Großherzigkeit, deine Begeisterungsfähigkeit und engagierte Tatkraft, die keine vorauseilende Gedanken an Schwierigkeit kannte. Sowohl deine Aufgeschlossenheit und ehrliche Offenheit bei der Aufgabenbewältigung als auch deine Neugierde für Lösungsansätze bei allerlei Problemen ermöglichte es dir vor allem auch beruflich viel Neuland zu erschließen.
    In deinem Fach warst du die Große Lehrerin für viele aus aller Welt.
    Dein Herz für die Belangen der Dritten Welt unterstützte die Gründung von SUPPORT – Verein zur Unterstützung von gemeinnützigen gesundheitlichen Organisationen und -projekte in Westafrika. Dein Herz schlug für die Bevölkerung in Abeokuta und Makoko in Nigeria als auch für die in Indien. Dein Wirken berührte alle Betroffenen nachhaltig.
    Sie Alle als auch wir bei SUPPORT in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich danken dir und werden uns immer an dein Wirken erinnern.
    “No Wahala” anymore! – Requiescat in pace.

    Dr. med. Vincent da Silva, Präsident
    Für den Vorstand, SUPPORT

  17. Internationale Vojta-Gesellschaft e.V. avatar
    Internationale Vojta-Gesellschaft e.V.

    Mit Hochachtung vor dem Lebenswerk von Frau Prof. Dr. Christa Einspieler, ihrem besonderen Verdienst um den diagnostischen Blick auf die frühkindliche Entwicklung und um eine inspirierende Lehre mit weltweitem Wirkungskreis trauern wir um eine besondere Persönlichkeit, die wir in bleibender Erinnerung behalten werden.

    Unsere herzliche Anteilnahme gilt Ihrer Familie.

    Im Namen der Internationalen Vojta-Gesellschaft,
    Der Vorstand

  18. Michal Sokolow avatar
    Michal Sokolow

    She was one of the most wonderful, warm-hearted beings I have ever met. Being around her was always “at home”. I owe her a lot.

  19. Colleen Peyton avatar
    Colleen Peyton

    In memory of Christa–
    Christa was my mentor and friend. She once gave me a picture book she made called “Sein” (“to be” in German) filled with photos from her travels. The pictures she took were of everyday life around the world, a child in a market, a house in a field. She told me that when she traveled rather than visiting the typical attractions, these were the things she enjoyed most. Indeed, she noticed many things and taught me to appreciate and develop a curiosity for nature and the behavior of animals–the way a goose can move its neck to gather eggs that have left the nest, the meaning of a lion’s yawn, the beautiful movements that a baby’s arm can make.
    She dedicated her book Sein to her primary mentor (Heinz) and mentee (Peter) who she said simply, taught her “to see”. She learned from both teachers and students, the places she visited, the cultures she experienced, the babies that she watched. She shared these insights around the world with a tireless passion and generosity. She was gifted at understanding complex topics and distilling them to understandable messages both in her teaching and her beautiful writing. She shared these gifts with me and so many others. I already miss her terribly but I will not forget her as she taught me “to see” and “to be”. Thank you dear Christa for all you have given me and for the life you have lived.

  20. Hong Yang avatar
    Hong Yang

    Dearest Christa,
    “Slowly, slowly, nothing will happen”. When I was driving as a new driver with you sitting by my side on the busy street in Shanghai, I told you. With a smile, you wrote the phrase in your notebook.
    It took me a lot of time to accept your passing away.
    After the very long summer,now we can meet gentle and comfortable breeze and flower fragrance in Shanghai. It is just like you are sending kind message to us from another world.
    We will continue going on the way to use and spread GMs to help young infants and their families.
    We will keep you in our hearts forever!

  21. Akmer Mutlu&Bilge Nur avatar
    Akmer Mutlu&Bilge Nur

    We will always be grateful and keep you in our prays for your sincere contributions to Türkiye, to Hacettepe University, to colleagues, to infants… Our deepest condolences to your loved ones. You will always live in our hearts❤️

  22. Hong Yang avatar
    Hong Yang

    Dearest Christa,

    “Slowly, slowly, nothing will happen”. When I was driving as a new driver with you sitting by my side on the busy street in Shanghai, I told you. With a smile, you wrote the phrase in your notebook.

    It took me a lot of time to accept your passing away.

    After the very long summer,now we can meet gentle and comfortable breeze and flower fragrance in Shanghai. It is just like you are sending kind message to us from another world.

    We will continue going on the way to use and spread GMs to help young infants and their families.

    We will keep you in our hearts forever!


  23. Walter und Christine Jartschitsch avatar
    Walter und Christine Jartschitsch

    Anfang der 1980-iger Jahre:
    Eingemietet in einem einfachen, kleinen Haus, nahe am Steingraben Weg lernten wir Christa mit ihrem kleinen Sohn Hannes kennen:
    Barfuß und flötenspielend. Der eine in Erinnerung gebliebene Raum war einfach, persönlich und abgelöst von jeder Konvention eingerichtet.

    Die erste Begegnung war in der Waldorfschule im Stiftingtal. Ihr freier und selbstverständlicher, aber auch kritischer Umgang mit Menschen und mit vielfältigen Lebensthemen beeindruckte uns.

    Viele Jahre vergingen. In einem fragenden Telefonanruf schilderte sie ihre neue Lebenssituation, erzählte von ihrem Beruf und von ihrem Wohnhaus am Stelzhamerweg – und ob wir uns wiedersehen könnten: sie möchte bauen.
    Das Haus sollte saniert, umgebaut und im Obergeschoss mit einer Veranda erweitert werden und sich möglichst intensiv mit dem Gartengeschehen verbinden. Aber auch der Garten sollte als gestalteter Freiraum seine verborgene Schönheit mit Hilfe von einem kleinen Wegenetz und kleinen terrassenförmigen Aufenthaltsorten erlebt werden können, aber in keinem Fall plakativ oder bloßgestellt.
    Als Bauherrin war Christa durchaus herausfordernd, aber gleichzeitig äußerst aufmerksam. Ihre Raumvorstellungen und Ideen zur Gartengestaltung waren bereichernd!
    Es entstand ein herzlicher und freundschaftlicher Bezug! Sie verstand fröhliche Feste zu feiern, kochte gerne, sie war stets experimentierfreudig.
    Graz wurde zu klein, zu eng. Christa verließ den Heimatort und ging – Menschen helfend – in die Welt hinaus.
    Sie ist eine Weltbürgerin!
    In liebem Gedenken!
    Walter und Christine

  24. Walter und Christine Jartschitsch avatar
    Walter und Christine Jartschitsch

    Anfang der 1980-iger Jahre:
    Eingemietet in einem einfachen, kleinen Haus, nahe am Steingraben Weg lernten wir Christa mit ihrem kleinen Sohn Hannes kennen:
    Barfuß und flötenspielend. Der eine in Erinnerung gebliebene Raum war einfach, persönlich und abgelöst von jeder Konvention eingerichtet.

    Die erste Begegnung war in der Waldorfschule im Stiftingtal. Ihr freier und selbstverständlicher, aber auch kritischer Umgang mit Menschen und mit vielfältigen Lebensthemen beeindruckte uns.

    Viele Jahre vergingen. In einem fragenden Telefonanruf schilderte sie ihre neue Lebenssituation, erzählte von ihrem Beruf und von ihrem Wohnhaus am Stelzhammerweg – und ob wir uns wiedersehen könnten: sie möchte bauen.
    Das Haus sollte saniert, umgebaut und im Obergeschoss mit einer Veranda erweitert werden und sich möglichst intensiv mit dem Gartengeschehen verbinden. Aber auch der Garten sollte als gestalteter Freiraum seine verborgene Schönheit mit Hilfe von einem kleinen Wegenetz und kleinen terrassenförmigen Aufenthaltsorten erlebt werden können, aber in keinem Fall plakativ oder bloßgestellt.
    Als Bauherrin war die durchaus herausfordernd, aber gleichzeitig äußerst aufmerksam. Ihre Raumvorstellungen und Ideenzur Gartengestaltung waren bereichernd!
    Es entstand ein herzlicher und freundschaftlicher Bezug! Sie verstand fröhliche Feste zu feiern, kochte gerne, sie war stets experimentierfreudig.
    Graz wurde zu klein, zu eng. Christa verließ den Heimatort und ging – Menschen helfend – in die Welt hinaus.
    Sie ist eine Weltbürgerin!
    In lieben Gedenken!
    Walter und Christine

  25. Edyta Rowińska avatar
    Edyta Rowińska

    Dearest Christa!! You were and will always be the best and most important teacher in my life. Everything I do in my profession I dedicate to You. I love you forever ❤️

  26. Elena Mitteregger avatar
    Elena Mitteregger

    My dearest Christa
    I can’t put into words how sad your departure makes me. You were so many things in one person, Christa, mentor, scientist, friend, confidante, seer, wife, mother, comforter, mirror image and advocate with heart.
    A wonderful mixture of experiences accompanies me when I think of you.
    Wonderful GM days in Graz in December 2005, bitterly cold and beautiful, a visit to the opera together with subtitles above the stage, Christmas market, aperitif at your home. In the end, Peter, Pani, and I stayed with you – together we distributed the leftover food at Graz main station long after midnight.
    Reunion after years, without seeing me, you recognized me by my voice. This was followed by enriching meetings and conversations over dinner and breakfast in different countries. You listened to me attentively, looked at me with your typical smile, gave me the courage and confidence to be myself and to trust myself to go my own way. You showed me who you were and opened your heart. You never felt too good to share your expertise and to support us all in accompanying infants and their families with heart.
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unforgettable guidance in my life and as I know in the lives of many others.
    My most sincere condolences to your loved ones. You live on in my heart.

  27. Fabrizio Ferrari avatar
    Fabrizio Ferrari

    A thought for Christa, Modena 17-10-2024
    I met Crista in the Developmental Neurology Unit in Groningen that at those times( 1989) was the Mecca for the clinicians and researchers interested to the Developmental Neurology. In the beginning Christa was shy and reserved. As the time went by she became warm, open, flexible and friendly. She was terribly interested to what Heinz was developing in the field of spontaneous motility of the newborn. In few months thanks to the fact that she was open-minded, humorous, and sensitive the four of us , i.e Giovanni Cioni , Crista Einspieler , Arie Bos and Fabrizio Ferrari ( otherwise called by Heinz my four children ) we became good and close friends and Crista was the real core of the group , a continuous and laborious coworker of Heinz Prechtl ; all together we founded the GMs trust , we published the new gospel (the General Movements) in the Lancet journal ( she was the first name among the authors ) . Several memories of those unforgettable times come to my mind: the first is that related to the few days spent in an Umbria farm where Christa and Heinz wrote in one month the red book that became our bible. She defined the old house “la Casa dello Scorpione” and we enjoyed a lot spending few days together among that wild isolated hilly country side, lost among the olivethrees and the chirps of the crickets and the cicadas. Moreover she started to host us in her nice and cosy chalet in Graz. The atmosphere of those days was to be a real family, the “GMs family”. I remember long days of research, discussing, reading new manuscripts, correcting and editing new papers. We used to work either in her office at Graz University or in her beautiful chalet in Graz. She was always the promoter of new fields of the “GMs family”. I remember long days of research, discussing, reading new manuscripts, correcting and editing new papers. We used to work either in her office at Graz University or in her beautiful chalet in Graz. She was always the promoter of new fields of research and she was a super teacher spending hours and days in teaching those who were new to the method, encouraging the young people to learn it and offering them a real support for starting new research. From the late 90ties onward we used to meet regularly in Graz, Pisa, and Modena where we organized annually the GMs course on the Precthl’ method, according to the methodology describe in the red book. She was keen to diffuse this new method through the world: for this she organized international meeting and workshops, first in Austria and Italy, later in so many different places of the world, especially in the less developed countries. Christa had always in mind the idea of support initiatives for the most fragile and poor communities. And this is what she will continue to support, from the peaceful place where she is now. Thanks so much for so many things you taught me, dear Christa, love Fabrizio Ferrari

  28. Karuna Nikam Singh avatar
    Karuna Nikam Singh

    How do I do this ????
    I can’t and I won’t write an obituary…

    Because you are here with us ,smiling and holding our hands always .
    My dearest Christaji I am indebted forever for the beautiful friendship.
    Your professional excellence needs no mention .The zeal to make this world a happy place for the children was the purpose of your being .
    I am so fortunate I have a friend ,mentor and a guiding angel like you .
    You are the epitome of generosity and kindness,truly witnessed the meaning of giving selflessly from you .
    A teacher who said you and me are equal ,no superior and no inferior as we always learn from each other . My beautiful lady and roaring lioness keep smiling always as promised . Thank you for everything and loads of love .
    Yours Karunaji .

  29.  avatar

    Liebe Christa,

    On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.”
    (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

    Mit Augen und Herz zu schauen, um zu verstehen welche Aussagekraft Bewegungen haben können, hast du in ihrem Ursprung, wissenschaftlich und als Mentorin auf höchstem Niveau verstanden und mit grossem Engagement weitergegeben.

    Wir trauern um eine herausragende, einzigartige und wunderbare Frau, die uns in unserem Verständnis von frühkindlicher Bewegungsentwicklung geprägt, geformt und zu dem hat werden lassen, für was wir heute in Klinik und Wissenschaft einstehen.

    Unser aufrichtiges Beileid gilt Christas Familien- und Angehörigenkreis.

    Die Schweizer MIT-PB-Gruppe Silke Scheufele, Marine Goedert, Stephanie Brezina und Denise Etzweiler

  30. Painsi Günther, ÖRSG avatar

    Mit großer Trauer habe ich vom Verlust von Frau Christa Einspieler erfahren. Sie hat mit ihrem beeindruckenden Wissen und ihrer einfühlsamen Art so vielen Eltern und ihren Kindern, die mit dem Rett-Syndrom leben, geholfen. Ihre Vorträge und ihre Unterstützung für die ÖRSG (Österreichische Rett-Syndrom Gesellschaft) haben eine tiefe Spur hinterlassen, die auch weiterhin bestehen bleibt.

    Wir werden sie als warmherzige, engagierte und inspirierende Persönlichkeit in Erinnerung behalten, die vielen von uns auf dem oft schwierigen Lebensweg Trost und Hoffnung gegeben hat.

  31. Navin Singh avatar
    Navin Singh

    Dear Christa Mam,

    With a heavy heart, I reflect on the incredible impact you had as a mentor. You brought brightness and wisdom to every life you touched, including mine. Your guidance shaped not only as a professional but also my outlook on how to contribute meaningfully to the society.

    Your kindness, patience, and dedication will forever inspire me. You changed so many lives for the better, and your legacy will live on in all of us who were fortunate to know you.

    Rest in peace, Dear Mam.

  32. Altynshash Jaxybayeva avatar
    Altynshash Jaxybayeva

    Dear Christa, I would like tell you my deepest appreciation for everything what you did for me and also for my young colleagues. actually you were not only teacher for developmental neurology but also a person who shown me the meaning of human/woman! I am very proud that you knew me personally.
    I would like express my very deep condolences to your family and friends.
    Pediatric Neurologists and Neonatologists from Kazakhstan are joining to my condolences. We are keeping you in our hearts and will continue to work in the direction what you shown us! and we will remember your attitude to the kids, people and life.

    You will be with us forever

  33. Zhanna Zhussupova avatar
    Zhanna Zhussupova

    Professor Christa always called me with a smile “Miss from Kazakhstan,” and those words resonated particularly with me, as she always highlighted me among all the students. During one of the courses, she invited me to stay with her, and I happily agreed, never regretting it for a moment. Now, thinking of her, I can picture our cozy evenings spent over cups of milk tea (one of her favorite drinks), as we leisurely talked about life, listening to her stories about her youth, her numerous travels to different countries, and her favorite places.

    Another important aspect of my life was her mentorship in my research work. In one of her letters, she wrote to me: “Science also attracts many bad people because it is about power and prestige, so always be humble and honest.” These words became an important life guiding principle for me.

    In one of her recommendations, she wrote that she was fortunate to have Professor Prechtl as her mentor—and I feel just as lucky that Professor Christa was my mentor.

    I also want to highlight the important role of Doctors Altynshash and Latina, who were the first to introduce Professor Christa to Kazakhstan. They shared not only professional knowledge with her but also a deep cultural connection, which strengthened her interest in our country and allowed her to become a part of our medical and scientific family. The support from Doctor Altynshash, in particular, accompanied me throughout my journey, and her respect for professor Christa further strengthened our shared efforts.

    Her care, wisdom, and support will always remain in my heart.

    My many colleagues from Kazakhstan and I mourn together with colleagues around the world and express our condolences to prof. Christa’s family and GMA Trust team.

  34. Joshua Samuel Rajkumar avatar

    One of the greatest teachers who had imbibed in me with some of the greatest qualities Dr Christa Einspieler. Dr Christa’s pioneering work on Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy with the Prechtl’s General Movement Assessment – identifying neonates and babies who are at risk of developmental disabilities 👶🏻 still stands tall and one of the widely used methods.
    I personally cannot forget the wonderful invitation from you, for the meeting at Austria in 2016 and the memories are unforgettable.
    The one who taught me how a teacher should be and forever a wonderful mentor.
    May your soul rest in peace and the world of Pediatric therapy practitioners would be very grateful for all the work you done in bringing changes to the lives of children and others in a great way ✨

    #kindnesspersonified #greatestteacher #wonderhuman

  35. sangeeta avatar

    Dearest Christa, I deeply believe you are now with us , with the KIRAN family, in a new way. May you now enjoy the fullness of Light and Love.Your love, your example of untiring service to the babies you helped to survive inspite of poverty remains with our staff. And for me, your attentive, gentle friendship remains so precious….DANKE dir von Herzen!

  36. ... avatar

    Another day with warmest wishes, for all you did, for all you were, for all you taught, our paths shall cross again …

  37.  avatar

    Another day with warmest wishes and gratefulness for all you did, for all you taught, for all you’ve been, our paths shall cross again …

  38. L.P., SA avatar
    L.P., SA

    I wanted to pass on my condolences to everyone at the GM Trust for the loss of this amazing human being.

    Over the past few years Christa has become my mentor, teacher and friend, and her passion for life in general and the GMA in particular inspires me every day.

    Please pass on my, as well as the GMA working group in South Africa’s, condolences to her family.

  39. P.G., Brazil avatar
    P.G., Brazil

    My dearest friend Christa. May you rest in peace. Thank you for all your researches and work that you have continued and which will continue!! The babies around the world thank you for the special work you have been doing for them!!! We will miss you a lot . Love you and big hug.

  40. George M., USA avatar
    George M., USA

    That is very sad news! Christa was a warm and caring person who will be missed by those who knew her well and those for whom she was an acquaintance. I am sorry for this loss.

  41. J.N., USA avatar
    J.N., USA

    Take solace in the memories that you have, with gratitude to all that you learned and the friendship you shared.

  42. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ avatar


  43. ... avatar

    Wir denken immer an dich 💗

  44.  avatar

    Wir denken immer an dich 💗

  45. Pedro V. avatar
    Pedro V.

    It leaves me without words. Thank you for being you. A brilliant teacher with dedication and filled with love. Connecting science and people. Second to none ,,💕❤️❤️‍🩹

  46. Katrin und Florian avatar
    Katrin und Florian

    Liebe Christa,
    es erfüllt uns mit Traurigkeit, dass du nicht mehr da bist. Wir haben viel von dir gelernt, wofür wir immer sehr dankbar sein werden und was uns tagtäglich in unserem Beruf hilft. Du hast uns gefördert, unser Durchhaltevermögen trainiert und unseren Blick auf Forschung, Babys und Zusammenarbeit nachhaltig geprägt. Wir durften in unserer gemeinsamen Zeit lernen Ideen zu generieren, zu beobachten, kritisch zu hinterfragen und unseren eigenen Weg zu finden. Deine Liebe und Hingabe für die frühkindliche Entwicklung ebenso wie für alle, die dich Mami Christa genannt haben, war besonders.
    Unser herzliches Beileid gilt deiner lieben Familie.

  47. Monika avatar

    Es ist mir eine Ehre, Christa in Graz an einem Kurs kennengelernt zu haben. Ich war beeindruckt von Ihrem fundierten Wissen und Ihrem Charisma. Heute habe ich diese traurige Nachricht erhalten. Meine Gedanken sind bei ihrer Familie und ihren Freunden.
    Ihr Lebenswerk wird weiterhin um die Welt getragen werden!

  48. Meike avatar

    Iam so schocked to hear of Christa passend away.
    Such a Loss for The neonatal child developmental teaching.
    So Happy that iwas able Tonne teached by her special style and her different Look at the world.
    She had so much to give.
    Iam sorry for her family, Friends and colleages

  49. Dina elhaj avatar
    Dina elhaj

    She was a great person and had the kindest soul, we had the pleasure to have her as our professor for GMA. Thank you for all the knowledge you have shared with us. You touched our hearts deeply, and will always remember you with each baby we work with. Rest in peace Dearest professor Christa

  50. Gabriella Zarantonello avatar
    Gabriella Zarantonello

    So sad, dear Christa thinking that You are not with us anymore!
    The memories that always remained in my heart are:
    – your bright smile
    – your large generosity for the poor Indian children
    -your deep appreciation for the arts and….
    – your pleasure of my appreciation of your “amazing”. necklaces!
    I’ll miss you a lot!

  51. Dubravka Radulovic avatar
    Dubravka Radulovic

    Condolence to family, friends and colleagues.I was honoured and grateful to meet and learn from Professor Einspieler.
    R.i P.

  52. Gabriella Zarantonello avatar
    Gabriella Zarantonello

    So sad, dear Christa thinking that. You are not with us anymore!
    The memories that always remained in my heart are:
    – your bright smile
    – your large generosity for the poor Indian children and…..
    – your pleasure of my appreciation of your “amazing”. necklaces!
    I’ll miss you a lot!

  53. Umut Apaydın avatar
    Umut Apaydın

    Our paths crossed with you at the GMs course in Ankara in 2018. I am glad I got to know you. You were both a very good educator and a very kind-hearted person. Thanks to you, we can detect risky infants early and intervene early. You were also very helpful for my experiences abroad.
    May your soul rest in peace.
    I will not forget you.

  54. Marisel Suarez avatar
    Marisel Suarez

    Despido a quien fue mi maestra en la Evaluación de MG (movimientos generales) Dra. Christa Einspieler. Una mujer generosa con su conocimiento y comprometida con una causa humanitaria. Una mujer con pasión y convicción. Siempre presente en cada bebe que le consulte en estos 5 años de formación. Gracias!!

  55. Prajakta Thakare avatar
    Prajakta Thakare

    It’s such a heart wrecking news…. loss of a wonderful teacher, guide and mentor. Your kind nature and charismatic personality have been an inspiration from day one. You taught to look at the children with an entirely new perspective. Your loving memory and lovely smile will always linger on with your powerful teachings. Thanks a lot for everything.

    Prajakta Thakare (Talele)
    Early intervention and Pediatric Physiotherapist (India)

  56. Ildiko Davide avatar

    In liebevoller Erinnerung an Crista Einspieler. Wir danken Gott für die Segnungen, die sie in unser Leben gebracht hat, und für die Spuren, die sie hinterlassen hat. Ihre Güte, Ihr Lachen und Ihre unendliche Liebe werden uns stets begleiten. In Dankbarkeit und Gedenken widme ich ihr meine Masterarbeit, die sie inspiriert und bereichert hat. Möge sie in Frieden ruhen und ihre Liebe weiterhin in unseren Herzen leuchten.

  57. Ashish Shukla avatar
    Ashish Shukla

    It is very sad for us that you have left us. We used to get positive energy by seeing you. I feel like crying thinking about all this but this is the truth of life which we have to accept. You were a great teacher and guide. We have learned a lot from you. You have done a great job in this world. You will always live in our hearts.
    Love you mam 😥🙏🏾💐

  58. Katja Georg avatar
    Katja Georg

    Liebe Frau Prof. Dr. Einspieler,
    ich bin ihnen so dankbar, mir diesen Blick auf die Kinder ermöglicht, gelehrt zu haben. Wir werden sie sehr vermissen!

  59. Heike Kuhhirte Finnedal avatar
    Heike Kuhhirte Finnedal

    Liebe Christa
    Ich möchte dir danken, dass du mir die fantastische Welt der GM`s gelehrt hast. Deine fachliche Kompetenz gepaart mit einer unfassbaren Freude an dem was du getan und gelehrt hast wird für mich immer in Erinnerung bleiben. Ruhe in Frieden.
    Ich wünsche deiner gesamten Familien viel Kraft in dieser Zeit.
    Ein lieber Gruss aus Dänemark.

  60. Pritee Singh avatar
    Pritee Singh

    I am so sorry for your loss. …
    “Your sudden loss is such a shock to us. “Our hearts are saddened by your loss. “May the journey ahead bring you peace.” This is a huge loss for all of us, you were a great mentor & guide, we have learned a lot from you. You have done a wonderful work in this world. you will always be alive in our hearts. What you have done for the poor families, neonates, & children is incomparable and will always be remembered. “Your legacy will forever be a guiding light.’’ The loss of a mentor like you is something that can never be recovered. You have accomplished many good things in life.
    We pray to God for your soul rests in peace. We wish to your family immense strength and peace in life. We have lost one of the best mentors we had ever met!!

  61. Mimmi Örtqvist avatar
    Mimmi Örtqvist

    Christa, my dear mentor, colleague and most of all friend. I’m extremely grateful for all the knowledge you shared with me. You have inspired me and many others in so many ways. Your dedication for the well-being of all children around the world was remarkable and your great kind heart and warmth was incredible. I will be forever grateful, thank you for everything. You will always remain in my heart. My deepest condolences to your family and friends ♥️

  62. Britta Hüning avatar
    Britta Hüning

    With deep sadness, we say goodbye to a remarkable mentor, teacher, and scientist. Her work has profoundly inspired and guided our research. She was a strong, wise, and warm-hearted woman whose dedication left a lasting impact on all who knew her.

    Her tireless commitment to teaching General Movements was truly inspirational. We are forever grateful for her invaluable contributions and unwavering support. She will remain in our hearts, and her voice will echo in our ears each time we perform the General Movement Assessment.

    We are infinitely thankful for her legacy.

    Britta Hüning, Anne-Kathrin Dathe, Ioana Bialas
    Uta Teschler, Maire Brasseler & Ursula Felderhoff-Müser
    for the Essen GMA Team

  63. Birgit Artner avatar
    Birgit Artner

    Liebe Christa,
    herzlichen Dank dafür, dass Du uns in unseren schwersten Stunden beigestanden bist, uns Trost und Hilfe geschenkt hast. Wir werden Dich immer als Freundin und großartige Wissenschaftlerin in Erinnerung behalten, du hast einen festen Platz in unseren Herzen. Danke auch für die vielen fröhlichen und geselligen Stunden, die wir zusammen erleben dürften.
    Wir sind sehr traurig und wünschen deinen Lieben viel Kraft und den Glauben an ein Wiedersehen.
    In tiefer Dankbarkeit Birgit, Erich, Johanna, Paul, Florian und Xaver

  64. Birgit Artner avatar
    Birgit Artner

    Liebe Christ,
    herzlichen Dank dafür, dass Du uns in unseren schwersten Stunden beigestanden bist und Trost und Hilfe geschenkt hast. Wir werden Dich immer als Freundin und großartige Wissenschaftlerin in Erinnerung behalten, du hast einen festen Platz in unseren Herzen.
    Wir sind sehr traurig und wünschen deinen Lieben viel Kraft und den Glauben an ein Wiedersehen.
    In tiefer Dankbarkeit Birgit, Erich, Johanna, Paul, Florian und Xaver

  65. Lars Adde avatar
    Lars Adde

    It is with great sadnes I got the news about Christas passing. Thanks to Christa, I learned about GMs from 2000, continued to work using GMA in research my whole carrier and always had a great supporting mentor and co-author. Thank you Christa, for introducing me to GMA that have given me so much joy in my working days through the last 25 years.

    I will rememeber Christa with a warm heart, every time I observe Fidgety movements in an infant.

  66. Pietro V. avatar
    Pietro V.

    Without words … pure gratefulness … thank you …

  67. Divyanshu Singh avatar
    Divyanshu Singh

    Words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that I feel for the passing of your mentor, parents. You always stay in our heart with that promise which you taught .. to help others, show respect to all, be simple, be honest, be human, you will always stay in our heart,

  68. Pritee devi avatar
    Pritee devi

    Dr Christa, I am very sad to hear this, For me, not just a mentor but an angel came into my life. She was a very great and simple person. I learnt a lot from her. It is very difficult for me to believe that she left us and went into a new world, but yes, her love and blessings are always with me. I wish wherever she is, she should be happy and keep shining. I wish that everyone should have such kind of positivity. I will miss you a lot.

  69. Ankita Massey avatar
    Ankita Massey

    Dr. Christa Einspieler’s legacy will live on through her groundbreaking work in early intervention, bringing hope and care to countless children, even in the most remote corners of the world. Her dedication to the well-being of children, particularly through the GANESH project, has transformed lives and provided critical support to families in need. Though she has left us, her impact will continue to shape lives for generations to come. You will always remain in our hearts as my mentor. With tearful tribute,
    Ankita Massey,
    KIRAN Society,
    Varanasi, India.

  70. Promila Charan avatar
    Promila Charan

    Dear Dr. Christa, you had a great heart for children and humanity. This is a huge loss for all of us. May Holy God grant inner comfort and peace to the divine soul. Your kindness, love and generosity will always remain in our hearts. With tearful tribute, Promila Charan, Varanasi, India

  71. Muhammed Cagri Bayraktutan avatar
    Muhammed Cagri Bayraktutan

    Our paths had crossed when I was unsure what to do with my life. I found peace and confidence in the calmness of your invaluable friendship. I will never forget how you praised “variability” in everything, including handcrafted porcelains! Thank you for trying to make this world a better place for children and for being such a fantastic role model.

  72. Fatima Di Maio avatar
    Fatima Di Maio

    Dear Christa,
    I would like to thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
    Christa dedicated her life to bringing her knowledge to every part of the world. She helped babies in all part of the world. She not only transmitted her knowledge but also inspired professionals to achieve a better future for children through her teachings on general movements.
    I would like to send my condolences to her family.❤️

  73. Poonam Diwakar avatar
    Poonam Diwakar

    Dr. Christa, I am very sad to hear this, For me, not just a mentor but an angel came into my life. She was a very great and simple person. I learnt a lot from her. It is very difficult for me to believe that she left us and went into a new world, but yes, her love and blessings are always with me. I wish wherever she is, she should be happy and keep shining. Her positive thinking and smart thoughts never allowed her to become weak. I wish that everyone should have such kind of positivity. I will miss you a lot … I wish I could give you a tight hug 🤗🤗…….

  74. Dra. Adriana Mariscal avatar
    Dra. Adriana Mariscal

    Un reconocimiento merecido a una gran profesional y personal.
    Gracias Christa por todo tu esfuerzo, trabajo y amor a los niños.
    Gracias por compartir tu conocimiento, fue un honor el haberte conocido y seguiremos trabajando con el ímpetu que nos contagiaste.
    Hasta pronto querida Maestra!

  75. Maureen Luther avatar
    Maureen Luther

    I have been learning from Christa since 2002.
    We have lost an amazing teacher, person and friend.
    I only hope we can all carry on her passion and knowledge to help babies and families all around the world.
    We will miss you Christa!

  76. maria Jose fattore avatar

    Hoy perdímos una gran maestra, de esas que uno admira, su sabiduría, su generosidad, su capacidad de donar su conocimiento.
    Hoy nos abandono #christaeinspieler.

    Ella fue pionera en la implementacion del método observaciones de movimientos Generales, para detectar en forma muy precoz bebés que tienen riesgo de sufrir parálisis cerebral.

    Tres profesionales de @elnidomsi tuvimos la oportunidad de formarmos con ella, gracias por permitirnos formarnos, ojalá podamos seguir con tu legado! QEPD.

  77. Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación Infantil avatar

    From the Spanish Society of Child Rehabilitation (SERI), it is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Christa Einspieler, a recognized professor of the General Movements Trust and a valuable collaborator in the courses organized by SERI. Christa dedicated her life to the study and teaching of general movements, leaving an indelible mark in the field of child rehabilitation.
    Her passion for helping the youngest and her commitment to education and research were evident in every aspect of her work. Christa not only imparted knowledge but also inspired generations of professionals to follow in her footsteps in the pursuit of a better future for children with special needs.
    Christa will be remembered not only for her academic brilliance but also for her warmth and unwavering dedication. Her legacy will endure through all those she taught to recognize the signs of risk for developmental disorders, empowering them to help the most vulnerable on their way to a better future.

  78. Heloisa Viscaino avatar
    Heloisa Viscaino

    Dr Christa was a generous person. This is my strongest memory of her and the maximal teaching of her presence in the lives of so many, like me, who shared with her the idealism of changing what is possible in a very unequal world. She would travel anywhere to teach and embrace those who wanted to learn. May God and the Angels receive her soul with kindest love and may we all keep her generosity in ourhearts and actio s.

  79. Tami avatar

    Dearest Christa
    Such an inspiration! You will be so missed but your teachings live in each of us forever. Thank you for your inspiration, gentle nature and kindness. Condolences to your beautiful family and may you rest in peace.

  80. Mariana Yanes Dupouy avatar
    Mariana Yanes Dupouy

    I hope and I wish as I told you in the last hug we gave each other that somewhere I will see us again
    I send a big hug from mu soul.
    Love to your Family

  81. Mariana Yanes Dupouy. avatar
    Mariana Yanes Dupouy.

    From Uruguay I want to thank you for everything you gave us, for your person, for your knowledge, for your generosity, for your time, for your affection, for your look, for your hands, for your smile, for your demands so that we can be better.
    You are my Teacher, my “Amiga”.
    I hope and wish

    1. Mariana Yanes Dupouy avatar
      Mariana Yanes Dupouy

      I hope and I wish as I told you in the last hug we gave each other that somewhere I will see us again
      I send a big hug from mu soul.
      Love to your Family

  82. Neeraj tripathi avatar

    My deepest condolences with your loved one. Your humanitarian effort in india specially for the infants and children will be cherished and remembered for ever. Thank you for great mentoring to GANESH project team (India).

  83. Susana Trallero avatar
    Susana Trallero

    My teacher, my mentor, my friend. I will miss you so much. I’d have never imagined how my life could change after meeting you 8 years ago in that little Hotel in Tirrenia during breakfast time… You have inspired me in so many ways; your honesty, your great heart and your kindness are inspirational. Thank you for being there, thank you for your patience, thank you for making me a better therapist. I’m very grateful and I feel lucky for all this time together. Sending my condolences to all your family, who always was by your side.
    Rest in peace my friend.

  84. Rodrigo Silva avatar

    Professor Christa Einspieler,
    Thank you for your invaluable teachings and the impact you’ve had on all of us. I am deeply grateful for your life.

  85. Noemi avatar

    Remember me … ❤️💕❤️

  86. Barbara Strohmaier avatar
    Barbara Strohmaier

    My deepest sympathy and condolences go to her family, loved ones and friends of this great woman. 🕯 🙏

  87. Bivoleanu Anca Roxana avatar
    Bivoleanu Anca Roxana

    My deepest condolences.
    Words cannot express my gratitude for her learnings.
    A great and kind woman.